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At Shiloh, academics encompass the whole child.  While learning to read and excel in math is essential, we also believe children need to use every part of their being to learn - their creative side, their musical side,

their curious side, their physical side, and of course, their spiritual side.  



Shiloh children learn about God's creation by studying the world around them.  From habitats to plants, and earth's layers to animal classifications, the children see that God made everything for a purpose, for part of a larger order.  At Shiloh, students gain knowledge of the world through systemized observation, study, and experimentation.  


At Shiloh, our goal in physical education is to train children in skill development, fitness, sportsmanship, and teamwork.  Winning is not the primary objective.   Children learn to care for their bodies and their health.  They are taught to pursue excellence and to do their best, understanding that the Bible teaches us to “work as unto the Lord.”

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Shiloh children learn that God is the master artist; He has created them with the ability to create beauty through art.  Students study the lives and works of great artists such as Monet,
van Gogh, and da Vinci,
re-creating their masterpieces while learning foundational art  techniques and elements.



Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Psalm 100:1

Music at Shiloh is full of movement, singing, and instrument playing.  The children learn theory and history by singing folksongs and hymns.  They learn to recognize the works of Bach and Beethoven and the steps of popular dances performed throughout major periods of history.   

(405) 387-2387

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