Shiloh Christian Academy is currently in its seventh year. We are a PreK through seventh grade classical Christian school that provides a rigorous, Christian curriculum.
As a growing school, eighth grade classes will be added for the 2025-26 school year.
Hereafter, we will continue to add a grade level each year.

Our Name
Shiloh has two references in the Bible – one is the name of a town meaning “tranquility”. More importantly, in Genesis 49:10, “Shiloh” is a prophetic name for the “Messiah – He whose it is”. Shiloh Christian Academy does not belong to any one person – it belongs to God. We believe it is His Will that this school be born. Shiloh - Messiah – the one at whose feet we sit and learn, who will, one day, return in great victory. Until that day, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are in active service. We seek to be Christ-like and to be good stewards of all that He has entrusted to us. We desire to honor God and educate our children by equipping their minds, sharpening their abilities, and developing their talents as we wait for the mighty day the Messiah – Shiloh - returns to take us home.